Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the center is open all year with the exception of New Year’s Day, President Day, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Columbus Day, Juneteenth Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Also, any circumstances that may arise requiring the center to be closed (i.e. inclement weather, Professional Development for staff).
The center opens at 5:00 a.m. and closes at 6:00 p.m. Upon arrival, the parent/guardian must sign the Parent/Child sign-in with Brightwheel App.
Keep in mind: If the center is close due to inclement weather, the center will notify through Brightwheel App and/or a note will be sent home.
Call the center or click here to schedule an appointment. Parents must submit the following documents and steps to enroll with ABLCCC:
Complete CDC Application – MI Bridges
- Complete ABLCCC Potential Client Contact Sheet
DHS-4025 – Download, complete and send this form to us via email
- CACFP Application – Download, complete and send this form to us via email
Provide Identification (ID or Driver’s License)
- Provide Immunization Records (have 30 days to submit)
- Complete State of Michigan Health Appraisal (have 30 days to submit)
- State of Michigan Child Information Sheets (BCAL-3731) – Download, complete and send sheets to us via email
Complete Ages and Stages Questionnaire Social-Emotional, Second Edition (Link 2)
- Complete ABLCCC Schedule Form
The following will serve as a checklist for you as you prepare for your baby’s day with us:
- NO diaper bags left in building.
- Store child’s clothing and belongs in a small plastic shoe box.
- All bottles must be pre-made and labeled child’s name and date.
- Uneaten baby food that has been opened must be discarded. Do not send in opened baby food jars. They cannot be served.
- Formula, milk or juice must be discarded after a child has finished drinking from the sip cup or bottle. Please make sure they have enough individual bottles for the day.
- Label everything such as bottles, bibs, food jars, blankets, clothes, orajel, baby ointments, wipeboxes, diapers, pacifier, rattles and teethers if you bring them.
- If diapers are not provided, and for some reason your child runs out a $2.00 fee will be charged per diaper. (fee is due upon picking your child up)
Mich. Admin. Code R. 400.8152
Yes, medication: administrative procedures
Mich. Admin. Code R.400.8188 Sleeping, Resting and Supervision
Yes, children under 18 months of age sleep on demand. Nap time or quiet time shall be provided when children under school-age are in attendance 5 or continuous hours per day.
If your child is not able to take a nap, he/she will be provided with a book while resting on their cot.
Yes, DHHS only pays a portion of our costs.
No, toys are not allowed from home for safety precautions.
Mich. Admin. Code R. 400.8140
We will use a positive methods of discipline that encourage self-control, self-direction, self-esteem, and cooperation will be sued at all times.
Parents will be contacted, if parents are not reached the emergency contacts will be called.
We will be happy to celebrate your child’s birthday at the center. If you wish to bring a simple treat (cookies, cupcakes, etc.) for the occasion. Please make arrangements ahead of time with the staff for the specific day.
- No homemade food
- Only mylar balloons (latex balloons are not allowed)
Yes, with a DHHS Clearance, Medical Clearance and Volunteer Application. Click here to access the application.
We encourage our parents not to put on any sort of jewelry on their child for safety issues. ABLCC will not be responsible for lost or damage jewelry.
- When potty training, we encourage the parent not to dress their child in onesies (bodysuits), belts and pull-ups is needed.
- Dress appropriate for weather
- No open toe sandals or shoes
- No Croc shoes
Yes, there is a late fee of $1 per minute for each child after your schedule time has expired with the center. The fee is due upon picking up your child the day of service. If, we bring your child back to the Center and no one is home using transportation, there will be also be an additional cost.
Yes, we provide 3 hot meals and 2 snacks (under CACFP). Meals and snack are served during the hours of 10am-4pm for varies age groups.
- No outside food in the building for health reasons
- No glass bottles on field trips
High Scope
Yes, starting at 3 years old (with a cost).
Yes, We have a beautiful a state of the art playground at the center . Yes, all children go outside when weather permits, three times a day. Fresh air doesn’t cause colds.